Non-Disclosure Agreement Template

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal contract used to protect ideas or know-how from further disclosure to a third party in situations when sensitive information needs to be shared between two parties. 

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What is a Non-Disclosure Agreement?

An NDA provides protection for the disclosing party and confirms the restrictions on how and where any confidential information can be used. You might use an NDA when interacting with marketing and PR firms, manufacturers, or investors.

This Non-Disclosure Agreement Template offers a flexible framework for the creation of clear and well structured Non Disclosure Agreement documents. It can be customised to reflect your situation and easily automated for the ongoing production of NDAs in-house, for use across the broader organisation.

This template is great for in-house legal teams looking to avoid the steep fees associated with acquiring NDA documents through a law firm. Of course, the added benefit of using Nod to produce a Non-Disclosure Agreement in-house is that our smart automation technology guarantees the ongoing creation of reliably compliant and consistent NDAs across the whole business.

Who can use this NDA Template?

This Non-Disclosure Agreement is a firm favourite with in-house legal teams who provide their organisations with access to the template as required. In doing so, they avoid the burden of repeatedly producing a new NDA document every time, while still ensuring they maintain visibility over any agreement being produced.

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